Friday 22 June 2018

Week 4

Breaks and recess

My action research project for this masters program is on breaks and recess. The past school year has been especially stressful with work, school, and other personal obligations so this week I want to reflect on the importance of breaks and recess from life and responsibilities. Looking at how I started  and ended SY 2017-2018, I can't help but notice that I definitely wasn't as active and present as I was the school year before. Compared to last year, this year I didn't serve as a girls volleyball assistant coach, take part in planning events and field trips, and whiz in to replace the former teacher as the Academic Challenge Bowl coach. Starting this program put a huge dent in my free time and made me really appreciate time. Time spent to relax and take a break away from constant obligations. I've been doing research on this topic for almost a year and every article emphasized the same thing. Our brains can only handle so much information and our bodies can only take so much stress. How we handle and manage the everyday strain of work, school, etc. makes all the difference.

The struggle of juggling work and school and still trying to maintain a semblance of a social life has taken a huge toll on me physically and mentally. My weight constantly shifts from either overeating or skipping meals. I was constantly anxious and worried to a point where I my breaks and recesses were spent thinking about all the things I should be doing because "they're not going to do themselves." That's a little mantra I use to motivate myself to do things. I found myself waking up stressed about daily to-do lists and going to bed wondering what the next day brings. I need to find an outlet. A healthy alternative or hobby to implement into my schedule and allow me to stop thinking about my worries and anxieties. I recently tried yoga and immediately loved it. It was challenging with the excitement of new positions to try. It's something you can do almost anywhere and you don't need equipment for it. I admire the benefits of meditation and breathing exercises and also believe this is something students can use. Often times we're so wrapped up in life that we forget to live. I don't want to stress more than I should.
Image result for stress relief

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