Wednesday 23 April 2014

Digital Dangers

Technology is growing to be more accessible, more affordable, and more necessary for the common teenager. This is a good and bad thing. Technology can definitely come in handy and as a future educator, I enjoy the fact that it makes work easier for me. But it can also be dangerous for those who don't know the full potential harms it can bring with its use.

I'd want to encourage my students to use technology to their advantage and at their disposal. More information at the convenience of a button isn't entirely a bad thing for them. But if they aren't given the proper warnings on what could happen when using technology or programs that aren't familiar to them, bad things are likely to happen.

Phishing, farming and copy rights are more school-centered whereas cyberbullying, sexting and textual harassment apply to all teenagers and even adults. They didn't work as cohesively for me when you put all the topics together. I'm more likely to warn my students about phishing, farming and copy rights rather than to discuss cyberbullying, sexting and textual harassment mainly because I believe that the issues of sexting, textual harassment and cyberbullying are more so morality issues and start at home. I also consider it common sense that people would know the dangers of those topics, which is probably why people don't discuss the issue as much as they should. In an article by The Sydney Morning Herald, Katrina Baum who conducted a survey on textual harassment states that "technology has become a quick and easy way for stalkers to monitor and harass their victims." I believe that parents need to be more involved in their teens technological habits. As a future educator, I want to reiterate these issues, but moral values start at home.

Wiggo wasn't useful in this project. Our group members divided the work and compiled it onto a google document so we are able to individually make changes at the same time. We then decided what presentation tool to use and inputted our information according to how our presentation was organized. As a matter of fact, Wiggio wasn't used at all for this presentation. I believe the google document proved to be more useful because we were all able to work simultaneously without having to meet up.

I think the only thing I'd want to change about the presentation, is the time limit. I believe that every group had to seriously condense their information to ensure that it fits the time allotted. If were were given maybe another 10 minutes, each group would be capable of giving a more detailed presentation and more information that can only teach the audience more about their respective topic. I would also like to add the dangers of too much technology. Like I mentioned earlier, I'd want my future students to use technology to their advantage and disposal, but a survey conducted worldwide in countries such as Japan, India, Brazil and China reported by The Times of India shows that "tech-obsession can make us less human". The report shows that we rely heavily on technology and prefer to google topics instead of reading about them in encyclopedias. Times are changing and technology is affecting the world more and more everyday. Educators need to keep up with the technological trends and it isn't as easy as it would be for teens nowadays.

Ahseen, I. (2013 October 22) How Dependent are we on Technology Retrieved from:

Baum,K (2009 March 6) Textual Harassment on the Rise  Retrieved from: